Monday, December 24, 2012


Over the past couple weeks.... a few people have asked me that. "Kevin, why did you join?" "Why do you put it all on the line?" "Sir... why do you want to fight for me? I don't want you to get hurt! I don't want to see you gone!"

I told him, I told her, I told kitten the same thing. I fight because I must. I fight because I found that there is finally something worth dying for. I fight because I finally woke up and smelled the roses and discovered that there is something in the great land worth giving it all for. I always knew I wanted to join, but I never found the reason why. I never understood exactly why I wanted to or why I had the gut desire to do what I now do.

I do it because some of you can not. I do it because there are those who need my defense, who need me to fight for them. There are people out there that are not brave enough to do what I do. People who would rather live a life on their knees than die on their feet.

I cannot live on my knees. I cannot live in chains and slavery and hope that when the enemy comes and demands my surrender that I give it to them. I refuse it. I will fight so that you may do that if you choose, but know that my life, the lives of those who have given you your life did so freely. They made the greatest sacrifice so that you could give away the freedom that they so heavily fought for you to have.

I am willing to fight, kill and die for my country because I love all of you so much. That is why I joined, that is why I will never quit and why I will persevere through it all. I have to do this, for not just you... but for me.

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